Issue of a permit for the unprescribed reorganization of insurance (reinsurance) organization and insurance holding

Recipients of services

Legal person

Government body
Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market
Cost of services

Issued free of charge

Term of services

35 working days

The name of service according to RPS

Issue of a permit for the unprescribed reorganization of insurance (reinsurance) organization and insurance holding

Documents for downloading
Normative legal acts

An authorization needed to get the public service

To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities

For legal entities
  1. Application for permission to carry out voluntary reorganization of insurance (reinsurance) organization (insurance holding) (necessarily )(Data form)
  2. Decision of the supreme body of insurance (reinsurance) organization (insurance holding) on its voluntary reorganization (in case of absence of information on the website of the depository of financial statements) (necessarily , job specifications )
  3. Plan of measures for reorganization of insurance (reinsurance) organization (insurance holding) (necessarily , job specifications )