Import of goods at application of measures of customs and tariff and non-tariff regulation of the foreign trade activity, and also special protective measures on the basis of decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Euroasian economic commission

Subspecies of

Import of goods at application of measures of customs and tariff and non-tariff regulation of the foreign trade activity, and also special protective measures on the basis of decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Euroasian economic commission

Recipients of services

Legal person
Natural person
Individual businessman

Government body
Ministry of trade and integration of Republic of Kazakhstan
Cost of services

10 MCI, 39320 KZT

The amount of payments should not exceed 10% of the amount required for payment (for amounts up to 1000 tenge, the allowable overpayment is 100 tenge)

Term of services

1 working days

An authorization needed to get the public service

To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities
For individuals
For individual entrepreneurs

For legal entities
  1. Electronic copy of the foreign trade agreement (contract), applications, and (or) additions to it (for a single license), and in the absence of trade agreement (contract) - a copy of a document confirming the intent of the Parties
  2. A copy of the license for a licensed activity, if such activity is associated with the turnover of goods in respect of which introduced the licensing of the common customs area
  3. Information confirming payment for the provision of public service through the payment gateway of "e-government"(Data form)

For individuals
  1. Electronic copy of the foreign trade agreement (contract), applications, and (or) additions to it (for a single license), and in the absence of trade agreement (contract) - a copy of a document confirming the intent of the Parties
  2. A copy of the license for a licensed activity, if such activity is associated with the turnover of goods in respect of which introduced the licensing of the common customs area
  3. Information confirming payment for the provision of public service through the payment gateway of "e-government"(Data form)

For individual entrepreneurs
  1. Electronic copy of the foreign trade agreement (contract), applications, and (or) additions to it (for a single license), and in the absence of trade agreement (contract) - a copy of a document confirming the intent of the Parties
  2. A copy of the license for a licensed activity, if such activity is associated with the turnover of goods in respect of which introduced the licensing of the common customs area
  3. Information confirming payment for the provision of public service through the payment gateway of "e-government"(Data form)