Natural person
Government body
Ministry of Health of Republic of Kazakhstan
Cost of services
Issued free of charge
Term of services
10 working days
Documents for downloading
Normative legal acts
An authorization needed to get the public service
To apply for the following documents are required
For individuals
For individuals
- Electronic copy of certificate of certification course (necessarily , job specifications )
- Form of information according to Appendix 12 to the Rules (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
- Electronic copy of the work book, in the absence of information in information systems (necessarily , job specifications )
- Electronic copy of the diploma of higher, postgraduate, secondary (technical and vocational education, in the absence of information in information systems) (necessarily , job specifications )
- An electronic copy of the result of professional fitness assessment issued by the assessment organization (including for a person who has received a medical education abroad), in the absence of information in information systems (optional , job specifications )
- Electronic copy of the document on recognition and (or) nostrification of documents on education of a service recipient who has received education in other countries and in international or foreign educational institutions (their branches), issued in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 19, 2021 No. 352 "On approval of the Rules for the recognition of documents on education, as well as the list of foreign organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, documents on the formation of which are recognized in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan " (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 23626), when receiving medical education outside the Republic of Kazakhstan (optional , job specifications )