Issuance of a license for prospecting

Recipients of services

Natural person

Government body
Local executive bodies
Cost of services

Сумма подписного бонуса составляет:
Площадь до 0,3 км2 – 9 МРП;
Площадь от 0,3 до 0,5 км2 – 12 МРП;
Площадь от 0,5 до 0,7 км2 – 15 МРП.

The amount of payments should not exceed 10% of the amount required for payment (for amounts up to 1000 tenge, the allowable overpayment is 100 tenge)

Term of services

7 working days

The name of service according to RPS

Issuance of a license for prospecting

Normative legal acts

An authorization needed to get the public service

To apply for the following documents are required
For individuals

For individuals
  1. copy of the document confirming the provision of security for the performance of the obligation to eliminate the consequences of prospecting (necessarily , job specifications )
  2. A document approved by the applicant containing a list of mechanisation and equipment to be used in prospecting, as well as a description of the types and methods of prospecting to be carried out at the site (necessarily , job specifications )
  3. Consent of the land user or private owner of the land plot, as well as the user of the subsoil plot on the territory of which the application is submitted (necessarily , job specifications )
  4. A plan of prospecting (necessarily , job specifications )
  5. Request for issuance of license for gold mining in the form pursuant to Appendix 2 to the standard (necessarily , job specifications )
  6. Document confirming the authority of a person acting on behalf of the applicant when submitting an application, if such person is appointed by the applicant (necessarily , job specifications )
  7. Information confirming payment for the provision of public service through the payment gateway of "e-government" (necessarily )(Data form)