The notice of the beginning of carrying out scientific and restoration works on historical and cultural monuments of local value
Legal person
Natural person
Individual businessman
Government body
Local executive bodies
Cost of services
Issued free of charge
An authorization needed to get the public service
To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities
For individuals
For individual entrepreneurs
For individuals
For individual entrepreneurs
For legal entities
- An electronic copy of scientific and design documentation, approved by the customer, containing textual and visual information about the monument of history and culture (necessarily , job specifications )
- License for activities on the implementation of scientific and restoration work on the monuments of history and culture of the organization, which will engage in scientific and restoration work (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
For individuals
- An electronic copy of scientific and design documentation, approved by the customer, containing textual and visual information about the monument of history and culture (necessarily , job specifications )
- License for activities on the implementation of scientific and restoration work on the monuments of history and culture of the organization, which will engage in scientific and restoration work (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
For individual entrepreneurs
- An electronic copy of scientific and design documentation, approved by the customer, containing textual and visual information about the monument of history and culture (necessarily , job specifications )
- License for activities on the implementation of scientific and restoration work on the monuments of history and culture of the organization, which will engage in scientific and restoration work (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)