Accreditation of the audit expert organizations in the sphere of fire safety

Recipients of services

Legal person
Natural person
Individual businessman

Government body
Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Cost of services

Issued free of charge

Term of services

7 working days

The name of service according to RPS

Accreditation of the audit expert organizations in the sphere of fire safety

Documents for downloading
Normative legal acts

An authorization needed to get the public service

To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities
For individuals
For individual entrepreneurs

For legal entities
  1. An electronic request signed with a recipient's electronic digital signature (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
  2. Copies of documents on the premises owned by the expert organization on the right of ownership or other legal basis (optional )
  3. Employment contracts for the employment of specialists (optional )
  4. Сopies of documents from experts of the expert organization confirming higher education in the specialty "fire safety", other higher education and work experience in state and (or) non-state fire services for at least five years (optional )

For individuals
  1. An electronic request signed with a recipient's electronic digital signature (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
  2. Copies of documents on the premises owned by the expert organization on the right of ownership or other legal basis (optional )
  3. Employment contracts for the employment of specialists (optional )
  4. Сopies of documents from experts of the expert organization confirming higher education in the specialty "fire safety", other higher education and work experience in state and (or) non-state fire services for at least five years (optional )

For individual entrepreneurs
  1. An electronic request signed with a recipient's electronic digital signature (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
  2. Copies of documents on the premises owned by the expert organization on the right of ownership or other legal basis (optional )
  3. Сopies of documents from experts of the expert organization confirming higher education in the specialty "fire safety", other higher education and work experience in state and (or) non-state fire services for at least five years (optional )