Attestation of non-government fire protection services for the right to conduct prevention and extintion of fire works, provision of fire safety and conduction of rescue efforts in organizations, residential areas and objects
Legal person
Government body
Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Cost of services
Issued free of charge
Term of services
The term of the state service from the date of delivery of the package of documents – 7 working days.
The name of service according to RPS
Attestation of non-government fire protection services for the right to conduct prevention and extintion of fire works, provision of fire safety and conduction of rescue efforts in organizations, residential areas and objects
Documents for downloading
Normative legal acts
An authorization needed to get the public service
To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities
For legal entities
- Electronic copies of acts of technical inspection of readiness of the main fire trucks for fire fighting in a form, according to appendiz 1 to the Allowing requirements imposed to the non-state fire services approved by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 7, 2014 No. 783 "About the approval of the allowing requirements imposed to non-state fire services" (it is registered in the Register of the state registration of regulations No. 9942) (necessarily )
- Electronic copies of certificates on the termination of courses on special training of specialists of a non-state fire service in a form according to appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 24, 2015 No. 48 "About the approval of the Program of courses for special training of specialists of non-state fire services and also a sample of the certificate on their termination" (it is registered in the Register of the state registration of regulations No. 10382) (necessarily )
- Application in the form of an electronic document certified by the service recipient 's EDS, according to Annex 1 of the Regulations (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)