Execution of engineering research to allocate goods to data cryptographic protection facilities and special technical devices aimed at performing law-enforcement intelligence operations
Legal person
Natural person
Individual businessman
Government body
National Security Committee of Kazakhstan
Cost of services
Issued free of charge
Term of services
5 working days
Documents for downloading
Normative legal acts
An authorization needed to get the public service
To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities
For individuals
For individual entrepreneurs
For individuals
For individual entrepreneurs
For legal entities
- Technical documentation on the goods which is subject to technical research (necessarily , job specifications )
- Copies of contracts (contracts) for goods delivery (in the presence) (optional , job specifications )
- E-document request, verified by digital signature of service receiver (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
- If it is necessary to provide samples of goods (at a service provider`s request, in case of any difficulties in making a decision), a service provider sends a corresponding notification to a service recipient`s personal account (optional )
For individuals
- Technical documentation on the goods which is subject to technical research (necessarily , job specifications )
- Copies of contracts (contracts) for goods delivery (in the presence) (optional , job specifications )
- E-document request, verified by digital signature of service receiver (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
- If it is necessary to provide samples of goods (at a service provider`s request, in case of any difficulties in making a decision), a service provider sends a corresponding notification to a service recipient`s personal account (optional )
For individual entrepreneurs
- Technical documentation on the goods which is subject to technical research (necessarily , job specifications )
- Copies of contracts (contracts) for goods delivery (in the presence) (optional , job specifications )
- E-document request, verified by digital signature of service receiver (necessarily , job specifications )(Data form)
- A copy of the certificate of state registration of the applicant as an individual entrepreneur (this information is derived by obtaining from the state database of MJ RK) (necessarily )
- If it is necessary to provide samples of goods (at a service provider`s request, in case of any difficulties in making a decision), a service provider sends a corresponding notification to a service recipient`s personal account (optional )