To apply for the following documents are required
For individuals

For individuals
  1. (necessarily , job specifications )
  2. Электронная копия документа, подтверждающего наличие стажа работы не менее трех последовательных лет в юридической, экономической, бухгалтерской, финансовой, аудиторской или контрольно-ревизионной сферах (necessarily , job specifications )
  3. Application for admission to the qualification exam of persons applying for the right to carry out the activities of an administrator (temporary administrator, rehabilitation, temporary and bankrupt managers) in the form of an electronic document certified by the service recipient's EDS, in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Rules (necessarily , job specifications )
  4. An electronic copy of medical certificates issued by narcological and psychiatric dispensaries at the place of residence, not earlier than one month before their submission (necessarily , job specifications )