Implementation of the arcades

Recipients of services

Legal person

Government body
Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Cost of services

Issuance of a license - 3845 MCI
Reissuance license 10% of the rate when issuing license

The amount of payments should not exceed 10% of the amount required for payment (for amounts up to 1000 tenge, the allowable overpayment is 100 tenge)

Term of services

License obtaining - 10 working days License reissuance - 3 working days If the documents are incomplete, the service provider's written reasoned refusal to accept the application - 2 working days

The name of service according to RPS

Issuance of the license for slot machine hall activity occupation

Normative legal acts

An authorization needed to get the public service

To apply for the following documents are required
For legal entities

For legal entities
  1. Form of data on existence of the building (part of the building, structure, construction) on the property right or other legal basis meeting the sanitary and epidemiologic and fire protection standards established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;(Data form)
  2. Form of data on existence of the gambling equipment on the property right, with application of copies of the documents confirming the property right to the specified gambling equipment, certified by the sign and seal of the applicant;(Data form)
  3. Form of data on existence of the gambling equipment on the property right, with application of copies of the documents confirming the property right to the specified gambling equipment, certified by the sign and seal of the applicant;(Data form)
  4. Availability of samples and nominations applied legitimation signs at the state and Russian languages
  5. Rules of the gambling establishment operation, conducted betting and gaming in the official and Russian languages - in the form of an electronic copy of the document
  6. The contract with bank of the second level in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan on opening of a contribution at a rate of 60000 MRP, established by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year, on condition of delivery of a contribution according to the first requirement (a contribution poste restante) in the form of the electronic copy of the document.
  7. Application in the form of electronic document certified by e-digital signature of service receiver (formed electronically)(Data form)
  8. Information confirming payment for the provision of public service through the payment gateway of "e-government"(Data form)