To apply for the following documents are required
For individuals

For individuals
  1. An application in the form of an electronic document, certified by the EDS of a service recipient (necessarily )(Data form)
  2. Personal identification document (for the identification of personality). (necessarily , job specifications )
  3. High professional education diploma (having the science degree and academic title – copies of corresponding documents) (necessarily , job specifications )
  4. Electronic copy of the work book. In case of absence of a work book for reasonable reasons, the service recipient presents one of the following documents confirming the work activity; an electronic copy of the work contract with the employer's mark on the date and basis of its termination; Electronic copy of the extract from the employer's acts confirming the emengence and termination of the employment relationship on the basis of the conclusion and termination of the employment contract; Electronic copy of the archive certificate containing information about the employee's employment (necessarily )